Its so nice when we find that person that can , annoy us like crazy, but so love all of the other persons , annoying parts as well. When we can be completely ourselves and not have to hide any parts of who we are. Complete bliss. I know for me, I love to annoy my partner lol. I love to tickle him when it drives him crazy, or when he so concentrated on whatever he may be doing and go up and lick the side of his cheek , or just do something completely goofy, Like do some funny looking dance and we bust out laughing. Those are the moments I cherish the most. Those raw uncut moments. Where nothing else matters, not the stress of every day life, just us two, in the moment being goofy, ourselves and hysterically laughing, with tears in our eyes. That is how I know I have my forever. I knew then and there that, when I could be the true me, no holding back, I wanted to spend the rest of my days annoying this man lol. But we can help you find yours as well. Let us help you find your forever, your person. The one you want to annoy forever. Where you can be you, because being you, is the best feeling ever:)

Admin, RW

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